Knowledge, Energy, Vitality, Movement

Knowledge a noun with wings

If knowledge is not moving...
Riding a few waves...
Captured in a vortex of uncertainty...
Hack out new spaces for knowledge to breath.

CLICK HERE Knowledge Building Presentation by Diana-Grace Morris

During November 2013 I was fortuneate to be able to attend the Knowledge Building Symposium in Dunedin, New Zealand. Furthermore, I had my first experience of publicly sharing with colleagues some of my thinking and teaching practice. 

I think Knowledge Building is a significant foundation stone in the realising of 21st Century Teaching and Learning, yet I experience increasing uncertainty as to how knowledge building looks and sounds within our diverse communities.

My colleague Juliet Twist considers that perhaps this is a good sign. I'm holding onto that thought.

NOTE: When  talking about Knowledge Building Symposium there is an elephant in this blog post...
Knowledge Forum software - I'm still thinking...

I'm including the speakers & presenters in this post as these amazing teachers; primary, secondary and tertiary are nudging something different in their teaching. Their presentations were inspiring. Through exploring knowledge building, each teacher is engaging with interrupting 'business as usual'. WHOOOP!

All presentations will be available on the Knowledge Building Symposium web site.
Do follow these teachers on twitter! (please let me know if I've missed a profile)

TWEETS from Knowledge Building Symposium 2013 are found at  #kbs13
ALSO: Check out @MsBeenz Storify for a comprehensive collection of tweets - thank you Claire!


Knowledge Building Symposium

Keynote Speakers:
Professor Carol Chan, University of Hong Kong
Invited Speakers:
Rachel Bolstad, New Zealand Council for Educational Research
Sue McDowall, New Zealand Council for Educational Research
Associate Professor Jan van Aalst, University of Hong Kong

Conor Bolton, St John’s College @fastpaddy
Claire Buist, St Clair School @MsBeenz
Madeline Campbell, Westland High School/WestNet
Sharlene Carki, Weston School @SharleneCarki
Professor Kwok-Wing Lai, University of Otago
Diana-Grace Morris, Koraunui School @dianagracenz
Tamara Yuill Proctor, St Andrew’s College @Tameey
Ken Pullar, OtagoNet @kpullar
Darren Sudlow, CantaNet @sudsnz
Caron Sullivan, Weston School
Ann Trewern, University of Otago
Tony Zaloum, Orewa College/HarbourNet @sc00tr
What is knowledge building?
Professor Carol Chan, University of Hong Kong

 "Students work together to create and to improve ideas that add value to the community" 
(Scardamalia & Bereiter, 2003)

                                    Chan outlined the principles of knowledge building

 Chan presented practical classroom suggestions

 Chan identified what 21st C learning and Future Learning in NZ could look like

What now?
The Future-Building Educator.

                                                           Bolstad and McDowall

 Rachel Bolstad  asked Keri Facer about future-oriented learning. Facer suggested:

"Use imagination to do one of two things:
1. To emotionally occupy a space. Think what it would be like to be there.
2. To push it as far as you can go. to say what if this happened and then to say if you pushed it a little bit further and a little bit further what would it actually be like?"

  1. Imagine the future to help reflect on today... Nice


I believe teaching, learning and the development of a knowledge creating culture must engage with Energy - Vitality - Movement. Because knowledge in the 21st Century is about movement. Everything must move. (yes teachers & students!)

When each of us understand the why.. the what will just follow. The 'What' will always be different!
@kidsedchatnz  @GuerrillaGeo  @MathsPirates

The bringing together of two different ideas and creating some thing new from this. This is some times reffered to as the space in between or the third space.

I believe Knowledge Building is a way of life. A way of viewing the world with a lense that views the spaces inbetween as valuable and intrinst to working in an unknown future. 

Knowledge Building is multidisciplinary. We are completely in it together!

Where ever you happen to be thinking, dreaming and doing.

If knowledge is not moving...
Riding a few waves...
Captured in a vortex of uncertainty...
Hack out new spaces for knowledge to breath!

Check out the following ideas...

    1. Explore, Create, Collaborate: Everything you need to take part in Project is here
        1. Can see massive potential for collaboration btwn schools & subjects with our new 2014 Project Join us!
  1. Happy birthday Kidsedchatnz! We are celebrating in 1 hour! We hope to see your class there!
    1. Wow! Kidsedchatnz is in the finals of the Edublog Awards for best educational use of a social network!
  1. First School in the cloud opens... SOLE: Self Organised Learning Environment by WHOOOP!


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